Birthdays, Flying Fish, Rock Climbing and Bees!

On June 13th I turned 9 years old! On the 12th I had a sleepover party in my Tree House with Ben, Noah and Jonathan. My dad got airsoft guns and we played with them. And my sister Jasmine gave me one. It's automatic! We ran around and shot each other and Jonathan gave my dad a bad welt on his arm! When my dad was picking weeds, we all shot him at once and got him really good! Then we ate pepperoni pizza and played more airsoft, watched a movie and went to bed. Lying in our beds we told funny jokes to each other. It was sooooooo fun! Early in the morning, we got up and snuck into the house and got marshmellows and whipcream. We put the whipcream on the marshmellow and went into my sister's room and stuck them on her head! Right when I was done putting them on her head, she covered her head with her covers. I laughed! And so did my friends.

Dad took me shad fishing with Mr. Moon and Mr. Howell. We caught a lot of fish and a lot of flying fish! Mr. Moon's friend, Ron, was on the other side of the river and tossed ALL his fish over into our net! We only lost 2, 1 fell in the boat and 1 was so bloody you couldn't even see the was all red. Our captain, who drove us, Mr. Howell, caught more flying fish than he caught on the line. I caught 6 shad. Mr. Howell caught one line fish. And Mr. Moon caught 4 shad. Dadddy caught 3 shad. I took my dad's pole after he caught 3. Dad gave me his pole because the sheriff was coming and he didn't have a license! Then the sheriff came up and told me I got a free icecream cone, because I wore my life jacket! We haven't used the coupon yet. Then we went to Mr. Howell's sister in law's house and parked the boat in her barn. Then we went back to his house, talked and I kept flinging off my shoes and my dad flinged it back at me and we got into a shoe fight! Then we got in my dad's car and went home.

Before we had gone fishing a swarm of bees came right under the top of the Tree House roof! The Bee Killer had to come. My mom and sister video taped it for me. The Bee Man didn't like climbing up high on the roof, because 2 years ago he had fallen and broken his back! Ouch! He got mad at my sister because she asked him to move his truck. She had to go to work! Oh well. The bees are gone now.

Joy, my sister, for my birthday took me and Noah rock climbing. I climbed up some really hard routes like the Chimney, the Birthday Ladder and one that is not named. And the ABC Wall. Then after that, Joy took me and Noah to Baja Fresh and we had lunch. We came home and Noah stayed for a few more hours and we play my new video game, Lego Batman. Then Jubilee and me dropped Noah off at his house. We came home, I picked some cherries, ate some and went to bed. [

Stars and thunder...

Last night I went to an observatory after school with my class. We saw the moon and saturn. When we were outside I got to move the telescope so it was in place to see the moon. Our class came back to our teacher's house at 1 AM in the morning! So we got out our sleeping bags and went to bed. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was asleep. We almost played some pranks on the girls... Then we woke up and played a little, had a pillow fight, talked. When we got up we watched a movie on the Milky Way. We went up stairs and Mr. F had breakfast ready: pancakes, eggs and some sausage. Then we went outside and ate. Yum, yum. There was a rope on a tree and I climbed up it. Then we had a relay race in Mrs. F's back yard. We played some math games and english games. Then we came inside, packed up and played I Spy for 5 minutes, then we played Taboo and my mom came and picked me up and we went home. I was so tired I watched a movie in my tree house. I fell asleep for about 10 minutes. Then I went outside and pulled a ton of weeds. I was out there for at least an hour and I got my radio out and turned it up so I could hear it pulled more weeds!

My sister just left with baby Cyrus to go to her apartment. My other sisters went to a friends graduation. My dad and mom and biggest sister have all been working on a golf tournament for my dads work. They've been super busy.

We just had a huge thunderstorm! There was lightening and thunder. I first saw a warning on the TV. The sky grew dark and it started to rain and it was thundering and lightening and the house shook! Lots of branches and leaves and junk came down. Joy sat up on the roof to watch it! I stayed inside. After it was done I went out. Then I looked around and went back in. I waited and then I came to my mom to make my blog. She types it for me, but it's my words.

I made a car wash business...

Today in the morning I woke up and we went to my first Lego Physics class. It was really fun. We got to build with Legos and learn about math and stuff. Physics is the study of energy and energy is everything. At the end of class we went home. I got out some car washing equipment. then I washed my dad's assistant's car. Then I washed the Becket's car and Joy's boyfriend's car...Colin's car. Then I went to Helen and Berts, our other neighbors, and washed their car. He wanted if I was working tomorrow and I said Yes. He said come over tomorrow and I'll have more cars to wash. Then I went to 3 other neighborhood houses, but only one was home and she was making dinner, so I didn't bother her. Then I came home, ate dinner and my grandpa came over and we talked.

Yesterday I went to school cuz my fever was gone! I had a substitute teacher and my mom saw my real teacher at Costco! She looked at her with a glance and went "Huh?!" Popa picked me & Jordyn up from school and dropped Jordyn, my sister off at the Rose Festival to work for Miss Hannah's Kettle Corn. Then Popa took me to 24 hour fitness, the bicycle shop, Baskin and Robins (I got Rock Pop and Swirl!), Home Depot and finally home. No shovel handles at Home Depot. Popa was mad... I didn't eat any dinner, but then my grandpa came over again and he somehow had 2 pieces of fried chicken in the car and I ate it! Yum, yum, yum. Then I went to bed. My mom read me a chapter from The Silver Chair.

Went to Five Guys Burgers and Fries...

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We were at Five Guys. We had a fun time. I had a hot dog and fries. Then we went on a walk. Then we came to the car and went home. I had a fun time because me and my sister Joy had to double buckle. But we didn't buckle we rolled down the window. And we played with are hands outside of the window. When we went home I laid down and fell isleep for like 5 min. Then I fell down off the couch and woke up. And I didn't get to go to school, because I had a fever but I went for the last 30 minutes. I brought my baseball cards for Calvin to look at. We traded a few cards, but I kept my expensive special ones. While my nephew cyrus was asleep Jasmine and I played Connect 4. She beat me 2 times. I guess I wasn't lucky tonight.

We just played Sorry...

Me and my mom just played Sorry and ate dinner. I won, of coarse. I won last night too when we played Monopoly! I landed on the JACK POT six times in a row! My mom says I'm lucky. What do you think?

Me and my dad went fishing about a week ago. I caught the biggest trout! It was over 3 pounds and over a foot long! Wow, that's BIG!

Last night we played badminton. Four boys against seven girls! But the boys won! Our friend Colin was our secret weapon. He's really cool! He could hit it to the back of our yard, so no one could get it.

Four months ago I became an UNCLE! My nephew, Cyrus lives here with his mom. He the cutest thing ever!

We set up our blowup pool yesterday and played in it. We have a floating chair in it too. I like to read in it.

My birthday is on June 13th and I'll be nine! I really badly want an Airsoft Gun! I wonder if I'll get one?

My sister that's closest to me, Jordyn, is doing homework and I played with her today. Then my next sister, Jubilee, is checking on her horse. Joy, my next sister is with her too. Joy's friend is Colin. And my sister, Jasmine, is holding my nephew Cyrus, because she's his mom. My dad's coming home from tennis soon.

I like to play tennis and I like to rock climb with my sister, Joy and I hope sometime with Colin too!